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Library Renovation Minutes 04/20/11

APRIL 20, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, J. Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury, Scott Boos, Diane Carney and Secretary David Goldsholl. Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Architect Peter Wells, Public Works Director Bruce Williams, Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe and Enterprise Builders Project Engineer Wayne Czarnecki.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to accept the March 16th minutes as presented. Ms. Hornaday abstained for the portion of the meeting she missed and Ms. Carney abstained as she was absent from the meeting.


Ms. Hornaday reported that the beam signing event went very well. She was particularly pleased by the turnout. Mr. Kuziak concurred and added that he saw that people were very interested in seeing the details such as the brick or roof shingles selected for the library. She reminded the members of the importance of not having more than three committee members present at any of the sub-committee meetings, such as the construction ones, as more than three members attending would constitute a special meeting with its requirements for posting an agenda and taking minutes. Ms. Hornaday added that she’d still like to primarily have Mr. Boos present at the construction meetings as one of the attendees and appreciated the interest shown by all of the committee members. She asked the members to first clear it with Mr. Bartha of intended attendance so as to prevent too many showing up for a particular sub committee meeting and being told you’d have to leave.

Mr. Bartha updated the members on a few items. The millwork package for the three circulation desks went out to bid today. The IT and first phase of the FFE bids will be advertised next Wednesday with all back in time for the next Library committee meeting in May. Mr. Bartha offered to send e-mails stating when these bid openings would occur in case any of the members would like to attend. Mr. Boos questioned whether there was money in the base bid to wire the desks. Mr. Wells said that the contracts require them to bring power and data to the desks.

V. UPDATE AND REPORT FROM a. Construction Manager – Status of the project, b. Architect – Status of the Project
Mr. Czarnecki said that the foundation concrete is basically complete along with backfill along the entire foundation and the slab prep down in the basement. Steel erection is underway and should be completed by the end of the month. Slab pour is set for the first week in May. Roof trusses will be delivered next week and should go up the second week in May. Once the slabs are poured, they can begin to frame the exterior walls. Mr. Goldsholl mentioned from the construction minutes that once the steel is up, this will serve as a benchmark to then say where we are time wise in the project. Attending the construction meetings helps one to understand why those questions are not so easy to answer with so many variables going on in the process. Mr. Boos questioned Mr. Czarnecki when the two weather delays thus far would become void. He said he first needed to get the building weather tight to gain more control over what we could control now. He added that he’s not back on track to where he wants to be but needed to do this before he felt comfortable with an answer. Mr. McNaboe agreed.

Ms. Vocelli offered that the library was successful at keeping up with the programs and staying out of the way of construction. Programs have been moved and soon books need to be packed on the first floor, but business goes on as usual. Ms. Carney questioned if construction has affected circulation. Ms. Vocelli said circulation has been down all over the state but that parking has been the worst thing. Ms. Carney said she has gone to the Simsbury library a couple of times in lieu, but Ms. Vocelli added that people will return. Ms. Stokesbury suggested that perhaps the staff could park across the street to allow more patrons access. Mr. Kuziak referenced the last Board of Directors meeting’s concern to adherence to the safety sign in the crosswalk. His own experience on beam signing day showed him how unsafe it is and posed if there’s anything else that could be done for safety. Ms. Hornaday questioned whether the police had temporary signs that could be used. Mr. Williams suggested that it was just conditioning the people for adherence or even calling the police to enforce it if there were times when it was particularly bad.

Mr. Wells has been working in getting all of the shop drawings out of the way – up to 350 or 360 so far, and he’s almost to the end of it. The bricks, roof shingle (dark one) and mortar color selections have been made. A laminate finish (oak) has been discontinued and a very similar one selected for substitution by Ms. Newell. Meetings with various people on site helped resolve some steel and window issues. Geothermal wells are also on track. Mr. Wells was also pleased with the way the steel has been going up. The Farmington Valley Health issue over the pump situation has been resolved giving the pumps, pump chamber and controls assembly to the town to be reused or sold. Mr. Williams surmised that if the assembly is sold then the value should stay with the library project as it came from the project. Ms. Hornaday concurred and thanked Mr. Wells for his report.

VI. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Budget Update, b. Approval of Invoices, c. Approval of Change Orders, d. Value Engineering Schedule
Mr. Bartha referred to the budget handout reflecting the invoices approved last month.  Once 50% of the project budget is spent, then we’ll be able to request the first part of the State grant reimbursement. Ms. Hornaday questioned the grant reimbursement schedule. Mr. Bartha said the state pays 50% of the grant at 50% of the project budget spent, 40% more at 75% and then the remaining 10% at 100% of the budget spent.  Mr. Goldsholl questioned if the temporary utilities line item reflected all the costs. Mr. Bartha said that the only issue that could affect it would be from the water company. Mr. Boos suggested there might be additional gas and electric bills. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if higher bills were budgeted in the regular library budget until the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Vocelli said there wouldn’t be any air conditioning use in the library this summer because the condensers went a long time ago. She said that she put in a request for a few air conditioners to use around for the staff room and for cooling the computer server. Fans will be used.

Ms. Hornaday requested that a vote be taken to add an additional invoice to the agenda submitted by Mr. Bartha.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to add to the agenda the Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. invoice #25656, dated April 15, 2011, in the amount of $757.00. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha discussed the invoices for payment. Three represented progress payments seen for the last few months: Enterprise Builders ($295,986.00), Tuthill and Wells ($8,603.00) and Special Testing Lab ($2,836.50 and the added $757.00). He asked if there were specific questions and recommended approval for payment. Mr. Kuziak questioned the necessity of going through the process of approving each invoice when they continue to show up every month and if there’d be an easier way to do this. Mr. Bartha suggested discussing the invoices and then asking for one vote to approve all of them at once. Ms. Stokesbury questioned that if we go over the 13 months (if construction takes longer) for Tuthill & Wells would there be an extra charge. Mr. Wells said no that the invoice would be adjusted to reflect the schedule. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if the steel supplier had been told that we would not take the price hike. Mr. Czarnecki said yes.

Ms. Hornaday requested a vote to approve the invoices for payment.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Carney seconded and all approved for payment the following invoices: Enterprise Builders, Inc. application #005, in the amount of $295,986.00, Tuthill and Wells Architects invoice #3920, in the amount of $8,603.00, and Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. invoices #25656 and #25638 totaling $3,593.50. None opposed or abstained.

Mr. Bartha referred to the change orders. PCO 002 ($3,798.00) reflected the Planning and Zoning’s requirement for the driveway cut. PCO 029 (-$8,707.00 credit) reflects a credit coming back from the reduced lawn irrigation scope. CO 007-010 and PCO 028 reflect the items the Library Board has generously agreed to cover ($24,456.11). Mr. Bartha said that all of the items have been gone over very carefully by Mr. Williams and Mr. Boos and recommended approval. Mr. Boos said that approval was just a formality at this point in the process. Mr. Boos told Mr. Czarnecki not to wait for an AIA change order for under $10,000 that Mr. Williams has signed. He wants to avoid holding up construction while waiting for committee approval. Ms. Hornaday clarified that we needed a representative from the town (Mr. Williams) to approve the work as it came along in order to keep the project moving and was comfortable with him signing off. Mr. Wells added that he issues a CDC to keep the work moving and then works out the money part later.

Mr. Goldsholl asked that the steps to issue a change order be reiterated for clarification:

    1) Something that will drive additional expense is identified and shared with the CM
    2) CM reviews with Architect to discuss approval
    3) Architect shows it to Mr. Williams (shares with Mr. Boos for discussion) who makes sure of the cost (those under $10,000.00)
    4) Mr. Williams signs and it goes back for processing
   5) Approval or rejection is made for Enterprise to continue
    6) If approved, formal approval by the committee at the next available meeting
   7) Change order over $10,000, it goes directly to the committee and to the State

Ms. Stokesbury questioned that cumulatively, many change orders under $10,000 could add up to a large amount. She asked if there is a monthly or project maximum amount threshold. Her concern is that we’d go through the contingency in no time. Mr. Goldsholl surmised that Mr. Bartha could oversee the mounting number and alert the committee. Mr. Bartha said the $10,000 figure mirrors the State’s requirement which shows that if there is a significant amount, then the State should be aware of it. Mr. Bartha also said that the present list is cumulative to clear the system and that it should not have as many items in the future.

In lieu of a vote on the change order process, Ms. Hornaday said there was a consensus among the members to accept the change order process as presented above and to include this as part of the official record. Mr. Bartha said that he will continue with the change order format going forward for committee review.

Ms. Hornaday reported that the Library Board will be sending checks over to cover those VE items they’ve agreed to restore to the project. Mr. Bartha spoke to Ms. Colligan about this and concluded that it would be best paid through the town accounts with the details worked out later.

The members discussed the value engineering items that needed approval at this meeting. Ms. Vocelli recommended removing item 9B (restore wood ceilings (instead of specified ACT tile) from the list ($18,352.03). Members agreed. Mr. Boos suggested removing item M (restore ACT & VCT in Room F14 Chair Storage (instead of sealed concrete and painted structure only) for ($1,168.99). Mr. Williams reminded the members that this was a closet. Ms. Vocelli asked to remove item 6A (restore tackboards) for ($2,069.00) as she said they would be able to use what they had already. The three items total $21,590.02. The members then discussed the remaining ceramic tile items to be used in the bathrooms and the vestibule. Mr. Williams stressed the sanitary qualities of using ceramic tile from floor to ceiling in the bathrooms. Tile in the vestibule would match the tile around the circulation desks. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if money could be saved from fully tiling the public bathrooms and not the staff’s. Mr. Boos said that even adding back the full wall tile in the bathrooms in addition to the few items left for discussion would still keep the total items added back into the project under $50,000 as earmarked by the Town Council. Mr. Goldsholl cautioned that there were still big numbers coming up through large change orders and the like. He knew of some through attending the construction meetings and that renovation and the tie in of the existing space is still coming up.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned to restore item 9N of the value engineering list (restore ceramic tile with loose mat in vestibule (delete glued down walk off mat) $2,726.94), Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed. None opposed.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned to restore item C of the value engineering list (restore floor to ceiling wall tile instead of 48”only $10,571.56), Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed with the exception of Ms. Carney, who opposed.  

Ms. Hornaday cautioned that the committee would not have any success if they had to go back to the Town Council to ask for more money. She agreed with Mr. Goldsholl that information gotten at construction meetings not shared with the other members could backfire if members were asked by the residents for opinions on subjects they knew nothing about. She asked to keep the information to oneself until it is presented to the other members.

VII. NEW BUSINESS a. Discuss procurement of Moving Company
Mr. Bartha stated that discussions with the William B. Meyer, Inc. movers took place prior to his coming on board with the committee and recommended keeping them as the vendor. He said the price discussed with William B. Meyer, Inc. would be at the budgeted amount of $58,000.00 or below. Mr. Bartha asked the committee’s permission to bring them into the phasing meetings with the understanding that the cost to do the move will be within budget. He also added that they were approved with the State. Mr. Boos asked if $50,000 could be negotiated for the work. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if there were other vendors for consideration. Mr. Bartha responded that the town could certainly go out to bid. Mr. Wells cautioned that we might get the lowest bidder who may not be the best qualified for this type of move. He said this company was known in the library field as the one to get because they were so experienced with it. Mr. Williams concurred that going out to bid could bring in a mover that could cause a lot of damage. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if Mr. Wells knew of other experienced movers for this type of work. He said he did but that they were more expensive. Ms. Stokesbury then said that it would be a waste of time to pursue a bid if we already had experience and price. Ms. Hornaday felt it important to have a mover ready to go and that Mr. Bartha could still negotiate a better price with this company.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to authorize Mr. Bartha to secure and negotiate the services of the William B. Meyer, Inc. to handle the library move for a figure not to exceed the budgeted amount of $58,000 and preferably $50,000. None opposed.

VIII. OTHER BUSINESS a. Correspondence, i. 3/17/11 Memo to Town Council, ii. 3/18/11111 Letter to Library Board
Ms. Hornaday asked the members if they read the attached correspondence. No discussion followed. Mr. Wells will not be able to attend the next meeting, May 4th, 7:30 AM.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary